Vaishnava Samhita. Karmatha Devi Charitam. Vol II Book VI Chp 5 Shlokas 9 - 13

अप्राप्तयौवनायास्तु बाल्ये तस्याः पतिर्मृतः 
तथैव बान्धवाश्चान्ये क्षिप्रं कालगतिं गताः  ||
प्राप्यापि गृहमैश्वर्यं धनं यौवनमेव च 
तत्सर्वं भाग्य हीनायास्त्वभवद्दुःखदायकम् ||
तस्याश्च पतिहीनायाः सौन्दर्यं यौवनोद्भवम्  
कृष्णसेवाविहीनस्य कैवल्यमिव निष्फलम् ||
लोकेsनावाप्य शान्तिं सा बृन्दावनमुपागता  
प्रपेदे शरणञ्चापि हरिवंशपदाम्बुजम्     ||

Even when she was very young and had not attained adolescence, her husband died. All her other relatives also died soon. That unfortunate woman had all comforts like a big house, wealth and power. She was very young also. But all these did not make her happy. Her youth and beauty became a waste in the absence of her husband, like salvation or Kaivalya devoid of service to Lord Krishna. As she could not find peace anywhere on this earth she finally reached Shri Brindavan and took refuge in the holy feet of Harivamsha Mahaprabhu.