Vaishnava Samhita. Karmadevi Charitam. Vol II Book VI Chp 10 Shlokas 1 - 2

दुःसङ्गः सर्वथा त्याज्यो भक्तिनिष्ठैर्महात्मभिः |
सङ्गः श्रीकृष्णभक्तानामेव बृन्दावनं समृतम् ||
सदाचारेण संयुक्ताश्चापि शास्त्रार्थवित्तमाः |
येषां न माधवे भक्तिर्दुष्टा एव हि ते ध्रुवम्  ||

Shri Sadguru said

The blessed ones who tread the path of devotion should root out bad company. Brindavan can be found wherever the association of sadhus is found. Those who are well-versed in all the Shastras and yet do not practice devotion to Krishna are also considered to be wicked