Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Vyasadasa Charitam I. Vol II Book VI Chp 2 Shlokas 15 - 18

मन्दमारुतसंसेव्ये पूर्णचन्द्रप्रभायुते 
यमुनापुलिने रम्ये प्रवृत्ते रासमण्डले 

वल्लवीजनमध्यस्थो वनमालाधरो हरिः 
वंशीविभूषितकरो वन्दारुजानवल्लभः 

अतसीपुष्पसङ्काशः केकिबर्हावतंसकः 

सुगन्धचन्दनालिप्तः कस्तूरीतिलकाञ्चितः 
ननर्त राधया साकं जगन्मोहनविग्रहः 

The Raasa group (Raasa Mandal) had assembled on the bank of the merry Yamuna which was illuminated by the full-moon and was embraced by cool breeze. At the time Shri Krishna danced merrily, accompanied by Radha, in the midst of all Gopis. Shri Krishna was wearing a garland of sylvan flowers and playing on His flute. The Lord of the Gopis was having the hue of the atasi flower and was adorned with the peacock plume. Ornaments like mekala, kankan, the shoulder rings, the necklace, and ear-rings were glittering over his beautiful, divine form which was enchanting the whole world. His body was rubbed with fragrant sandal paste and he was wearing kasturi tilak on His forehead.