Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham VI Vol III Book X Chp 24 Shlokas 23 - 27

Katha Sangraham VI Vol III Book X Chp 24 Shlokas 23 - 27

द्वाविंशतितमो sध्याये गुरुगीता प्रकीर्तिता |

यस्मिन्नखिलशास्त्राणां सारं सङ्गृह्य दीयते ||

त्रयोविंशे सद्गुरोक्ष्च सर्वैर्भागवतैः कृतः |

पट्टाभिषेकः सरसं सानन्दमभिवर्ण्यते ||

एवं दशमभागस्य प्रोक्ताक्ष्चाध्यायसङ्ग्रहः |

पठतां शृण्ववताञ्चापि स्मरणाय पुनः पुनः ||

यः पठेच्छ्रद्धया नित्यमिमां वैष्णवसंहिताम् |

स याति परमं धाम शाक्ष्वतं श्रीपतेर्ध्रुवम् ||

मङ्गलं सद्गुरुभ्योस्तु वैष्णवेभ्योस्तु मङ्गलम् |

मङ्गलं माधवायास्तु प्रेमिकायास्तु मङ्गलम् ||

The Twenty Second Chapter render 'Guru Geeta' which is the collection of the kernel principles of all Shastras. A very attractive and pious picture of the coronation of Shri Sadguru performed by the bhagavatas, is pointed in the Twenty Third Chapter. The essence of Book X is given in a nutshell to help who read this book or listen to the story in retaining it in memory. He who reds this Vaishnava Samhita with intense devotion, reaches the Eternal Abode of the Lord. Glory unto the Sadguru. Glory unto the vaishnavas. Glory unto Lord Madhava. Glory unto Shri Premier.

Thus ends Chapter Twenty Four entitled 'Katha Sangraham' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Mahaprabhu, who revels in the luscious sweetness of divine bliss emanating from the lotus feet of Shri Bhagavannama Bodhendra Swamigal, saviour of all beings, the universal preceptor, the Parivrajaka (a wandering saint) and the Paramahamsa (a realized soul)

Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham VI Vol III Book X Chp 24 Shlokas 15 - 22

Katha Sangraham VI Vol III Book X Chp 24 Shlokas 15 - 22

चतुर्दशोपि भक्तस्य रसिकानां शिखामणेः |

अरणस्यापि चरितं मधुरं परिकीर्त्यते ||

ततः पञ्चदशे प्रोक्तं वैष्णवानन्दवर्धनम् |

कोदण्डरामचरितं कलिकल्मषनाशनम् ||

षोडशे राजगोपालदेशिकस्य महामुनेः |

भगवद्विरहो व्यक्तं रङ्गयात्रा च गीयते ||

अथ सप्तदशे शैलं प्राप्य गोपालदेशिकः |

दृढविक्ष्वाससम्युक्तः प्रपेदे शरणं हरिम् ||

अष्टादशे रामचन्द्रः सीतया भक्तवत्सलः |

गोपालदेषिकस्यास्य कृपया दर्शनं ददौ ||

एकोनविंशाध्याये तु राजगोपालदेशिकः |

भुवनं पावयामास निजपादाब्जरेणुना ||

विंशोपि राजगोपालं रामभक्तं दृढव्रतम् |

कृपयाssनन्दयामास भक्तकोलाहलो हरिः ||

एकविंशतमेsध्याये राजगोपालदेशिकः |

भक्तकोलाहलस्यैव प्राप तत्पदम् ||

The Fourteenth Chapter explains in very sweet words the details pertaining to the life of Shri Arana, who was a great rasika, revealing in Bhakti to the Lord. The story of Shri Kodanda Rama Iyer, that yields delight to the devotees and is capable of abandoning the vices of the kaliyuga, is narrated in the Fifteenth Chapter. The Sixteenth Chapter explains lucidly the sorrow of separation from Shri Bhagavan undergone by saint Shri Rajagopala Deshika and his sacred journey to Shrirangam. In the Seventeenth Chapter, Shri Gopala Deshika takes refuge in Lord Hari staying at Tirumala leading a life of staunch faith in God. In the Eighteenth Chapter, Shri Rama, the merciful and the Bhaktavatsala gave His coveted darshan with Devi Sita to Shri Gopala Deshika. The Nineteenth Chapter describes how Shri Rajagopala Deshika purified the whole earth by the sacred dust under his holy feet. Lord Bhaktakolahala, Shri Hari showered ecstasy on Shri Rajagopala Deshika, the avowed devotee of Shri Rama in the Twentieth Chapter. The Twenty First Chapter gives a description of the great event of Shri Rajagopala Deshika becoming one with the holy feet of Lord Bhaktakolahala in His sanctum sanctorum itself. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham VI Vol III Book X Chp 24 Shlokas 8 - 14

Katha Sangraham VI Vol III Book X Chp 24 Shlokas 8 - 14

सप्तमे शारदादेवी पातिव्रत्यपरायणा |

बन्धून् सर्वान् परित्यज्य रामकृष्णमुपागता ||

अष्टमेपि नरेद्रस्तु सत्यदर्शनतृष्णया |

रामकृष्णामृतं प्राप्य प्रशान्तहृदयोsभवत् ||

नवमे भारतं देशं पाक्ष्चात्यजनपीडितम् |

महान् मोहनदासस्तु पालयामास सुव्रतः ||

दशमे ब्रह्मचर्येण तपसा यमुनावने |

कैवल्यारामयोगीन्द्रो लेभे श्रीकृष्णदर्शनम् ||

एकादशे वैष्णवस्य यतीनाञ्च शिरोमणेः |

कीर्त्यते चरितं पुण्यमानन्दगिरियोगिनः ||

द्वादशे परमं पुण्यं भक्तश्रोत्रसुखावहम् |

स्वयंप्रकाशयोगीन्द्रचरितञ्चानुवर्ण्यते ||

त्रयोदशे कीर्तितञ्च कृष्णभक्तशिखामणेः |

श्रीमन्नटनगोपालदासस्य चरितं शुभम् ||

In the Seventh Chapter, the chaste and holy Sharada Devi, renouncing all her relationships joined Shri Ramakrishna.  The Eighth Chapter portrays Narendra, who induced by his thirst for knowing the eternal truth, came to Shri Ramakrishna, the nectar that gave him peace. In the Ninth Chapter, the manner in which mother India, enslaved by the Westerners, was rescued by the idealist and great vaishnava Mohandasa, is explained. With the strength of celibacy, self-control and penance, Kaivalyarama, the yogindra had the darshan of Shri Krishna in the Tenth Chapter. Chapter Eleven deals with the holy life of the vaishnava Shri Anandagiri Yogi, the greatest of the yetis. The Twelfth Chapter depicts the highly pious life of Swayamprakash Yogindra that is quite pleasing to the ears of the bhaktas. The pious life history of Natana Gopala Deasa, a great devotee of Lord Shri Krishna, is narrated in the Thirteenth Chapter.

Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham VI Vol III Book X Chp 24 Shlokas 1 - 7

Katha Sangraham Vol III Book X Chp 24 Shlokas 1 - 7


ततो दशमभागस्य कथासङ्ग्रह उच्यते |

यत्र सङ्कीर्त्यते स्वामी भक्तकोलाहलो हरिः ||

प्रथमे क्षितिरामस्तु हिंसितोsपि च लोभिना |

सत्यं तु नैव तत्याज रामभक्तो महामनाः ||

द्वितीये रामकृष्णस्तु वैष्णवोपि स्वभावतः |

महाकाल्या प्रार्थितास्तु पूजयामास तामपि ||

तृतीये ब्राह्मणी काचिद्रामकृष्णे महात्मनि |

वात्सल्यभावसम्युक्ता लेभे श्रीरामदर्शनम् ||

चतुर्थे रामकृष्णस्तु पुरीन्द्राय महात्मने |

लीलया दर्शयामास भक्तिमाहात्म्यमद्भुतम् ||

पञ्चमे रामकृष्णस्य कृपया केशवो महान् |

सनातनमतस्यास्य वेत्ति तत्वार्थमुत्तमम् ||

षष्ठे गदाधररस्यास्य प्रेमभक्तिमलौकिकीम् |

दृष्ट्वापि मधुरानाथः सुप्रसन्नो बभूव ह ||

The gist of the contents of Book X that sings the praise of Lord Hari who is the Lord of all worlds and who takes delight in the company of the bhaktas, is given here. The First Chapter speaks about the broad-minded Kshitirama, the devotee of Lord Rama, who remained deep-rooted in truth even when he was troubled by a wicked miser. The Second Chapter narrates the life of Shri Ramakrishna, who being a vaishnava by birth, did the Pooja of Devi Mahakali as desired by Her. In the Third Chapter, a brahmani gets the coveted darshan of Lord Rama as an outcome of her motherly love for Shri Ramakrishna.Again in Chapter Four, Shri Ramakrishna taught, with great ease, the eternal greatness of marvelous devotion, to God, to mahatma Totapuri. The Fifth Chapter explains how the great Keshava Chandra learnt the philosophy of the Sanatana Dharma by the grace of Shri Ramakrishna. Shri Madhuranatha became very much pleased with the unusual prima Bhakti of Shri Gadadhara, in the Sixth Chapter.

Vaishnava Samhita. Sadguru Pattabhishekam VI Vol III Book X Chp 23 Shlokas 15 - 20

Sadguru Pattabhishekam VI Vol III Book X Chp 23 Shlokas 15 - 20

इत्य्क्तः सद्गुरुः सद्यः साधुभिर्विमलाशयैः |

आरुरोह व्यासपीठं पूर्णचन्द्रसमाननः ||

व्यासपीठस्थितं देवं सुप्रसन्नं जगद्गुरुम् |

अभ्यषिञ्चन् महात्मानः हरिकीर्तनपूर्वकम् ||

चक्रुः पुष्पाञ्जलिं सर्वे साधवो ननृतुर्जगुः |

छत्रञ्च चामरयुगं जगृहुः शिष्यसत्तमाः ||

विजयी भव लोकेस्मिन् सदा सर्वत्र सद्गुरो |

इति सर्वेपि सानन्दं जगर्जुः प्रेममोहिताः ||

पट्टाभिषिक्तो भगवान् सद्गुरुः प्रेमपूर्वकम् |

शिष्यैः सर्वैक्ष्च संयुक्तक्ष्चकार हरिकीर्तनम् ||

कृष्णसङ्कीर्तनं तेषां दिक्षु व्याप्तमभूत्तदा |

कलिर्नष्टोsभवत्सस्द्यो नामकीर्तनवैभवात् ||

मङ्गलारार्तिकञ्चक्रुर्वैष्णव्यः प्रेमपूर्वकम् |

गायन्तो हरिगीतञ्च मधुरं मङ्गलप्रदम् ||

The Sadguru was presenting a lustrous appearance seated on the Vyasa Peetha. The great ones gave him a holy bath, chanting repeatedly the Name of Lord Hari. All sadhus showered flowers on him. They sang and danced. The disciples showed their respect by fanning him with Venchamara and holding the umbrella over his head. Oh! Sadguru! Pray you succeed everywhere and at all times on this earth". All shouted so, with happiness and excitement both of devotion. After the coronation, Bhagwan Shri Sadguru sang in praise of Lord Hari with all prem accompanied by his disciples. Their songs in praise of Lord Krishna spread in all directions. Kali was destroyed by the power of Nama kirtan. The Vaishnava ladies took Mangala Harati singing very sweetly and devotedly the praise of Lord Hari that bestows all good. 

Thus ends Chapter Twenty Three entitled 'Sadguru Pattabhishekam' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Sadguru Pattabhishekam VI Vol III Book X Chp 23 Shlokas 9 - 14

Sadguru Pattabhishekam VI Vol III Book X Chp 23 Shlokas 9 - 14

भागवता ऊचुः

सर्वसद्गुणसम्पन्न सद्गुरो करुणानिधे |

व्यासपीठस्याप्धिपते पुरानाचार्य ते नमः ||

यो व्यासः कथयामास पुरा विष्णोः कथं शुभाम् |

स एव वैष्णवानाञ्च कथां वक्तुमिहागतः ||

एवं मन्यामहे देव तस्मात्करुणया विभो |

अध्यारोह व्यासपीठं सुप्रसन्नो जगद्गुरो ||

अभिषिक्तो वैष्णवैस्त्वं दिव्यसिह्मासने स्थितः |

आज्ञापय कृपासिन्धो शिष्यानस्मान् जगद्गुरो ||

कलिसाम्राज्यनाशाय नामसाम्राज्य वृद्धये |

श्रीमान् सद्गुरुराजेन्द्र लोके दिग्विजयं कुरु ||

इत्य्क्तः सद्गुरुः सद्यः साधुभिर्विमलाशयैः |

आरुरोह व्यापीठं पूर्णचन्द्रसमाननः ||

The bhagavatas said

Oh! Guru! the dwelling place of all goodness! Oh! The merciful! Master of the Vyasa Peetha! Oh! Puranacharya! We worship you. Vyasa once rendered the holy story of Lord Vishnu. We consider you the same Vyasa who has come to give us the details of the lives of great vaishnavas. Hence, Oh, guru! The merciful! Please adorn this Vyasa Peetha. Oh! Jagadguru! the ocean of mercy! Pray, you get coronated as the Lord of the bhaktas, be seated on this Simhasana (throne) and command us, your disciples, Oh! Sriman! Emperor of all gurus! Pray you go around the world in order to destroy the empire of Kali and establish the Samrajya of Bhakti. Paying heed to the prayers of the pious devotees and sadhus, the Sadguru, as bright as the moon, accepted and ascended the throne - Vyasa Peetha.

Vaishnava Samhita. Sadguru Pattabhishekam VI Vol III Book X Chp 23 Shlokas 1 - 8

Sadguru Pattabhishekam VI Vol III Book X Chp 23 Shlokas 1 - 8


अत्र सङ्कीर्तितः कृष्णः शरणागतवत्सलः |

प्रतिक्ष्लोकं प्रतिपदं प्रत्यक्षरपि प्रियाः ||

शृतिस्मृतितिहासानां पुरानानाञ्च वैष्णवाः |

सारभूतेयमाभाति श्रीमद्वैष्णवसंहिता ||

नष्टे सनातने धर्मे नास्तिकप्रचुरे कलौ ||

अवतीर्णो महात्मानः श्रीवैष्णवोराज्ञयैव ते |

सहस्त्रशः सदाचार्याः संप्रदायप्रवर्तकाः ||

तेषां दिव्यचरित्रेषु वैष्णवानां महात्मनाम् |

दृश्यते वैष्णवो धर्मः कृष्णसङ्कीर्तनात्मकः ||

साध्यं विष्णुपदं नित्यं साधनं नामकीर्तनम् |

सर्वेषां संप्रदायानां सारोsयं न हि संशयः ||

तस्मात्सङ्कीर्तयेत्कृष्णं सदा सर्वत्र सर्वथा |

संप्रदायान्तरद्वेषं विनैव दृढनिष्ठया ||

इत्युक्तवन्तं सुगुणं सद्गुरुं वैष्णवोत्तमाः |

सर्वे प्राञ्जलयः प्रोचुः प्रणम्य च पुनः पुनः ||

Shri Sadguru said

Here (in this book), the praise of Lord Krishna, the benefactor of the surrendered souls, is sung by each letter, each word and each shlock. Oh! Vaishnavas! This book Vaishnava Samhita gives the essence of Srutis, Smritis, Itihas and Puranas. Sanatana Dharma has been lost in this Kaliyuga. Majority of the people have turned atheists. Hence to establish Bhagavata Dharma, many of those exalted personalities who are the path finders and reputed preceptors were born as commanded by Lord Shri Vishnu.The pious lives of these great vaishnavas exhibit Vaishnava Dharma in the form of the kirtan of Lord Krishna. The goal is the eternal abode of Lord Vishnu. Singing in praise of Him is the means of attaining the goal undoubtedly. This is the essence of all Sampradayas. So, always, at all places and at all cost, the praise of Lord Krishna has to be sung with a firm belief, without entertaining any idea of finding fault with different Sampradayas. The good-natured Sadguru taught all this to his disciples. Listening to him, the devotee prostrated before him many times and then folded hands said the following.

Vaishnava Samhita. Guru Geeta VI Vol III Book X Chp 22 Shlokas 30 - 34

Guru Geeta VI Vol III Book X Chp 22 Shlokas 30 - 34

भागवता ऊचुः

नमस्ते गुरुराजेन्द्र नमस्ते शिश्यवत्सल |

नमस्ते वैष्णवश्रेष्ठ नमस्ते कृष्णरूपिणे ||

लोकवेदविमुक्तेभ्यो वैष्णवेभ्यो नमो नमः |

माहात्म्यं हरिदासानां ये शृण्वन्ति पठन्ति च ||


भगवन्नामबोधेन्द्रस्वामिने गुरवे मम |

समर्प्यते भक्तिपूर्वं श्रीमद्वैष्णवसंहिता ||

निमित्तिकृत्य मां देव स्वयं बोधेन्द्रदेशिकः |

कारयन् संहितामेनां सुप्रीतो भवति प्रभुः ||

क्वाहं मन्दमतिर्दीनः क्वेयं वैष्णवसंहिता |

विना गुरुप्रसादेन मयेयं कथ्यते कथम् ||

The bhagavatas said

Oh! King of preceptors! Venerations to you. Oh! Lover of the disciples! Oh! The greatest of the vaishnavas! Our venerations to you. Our venerations to you, the very personification of Lord Krishna. Our venerations to the vaishnavas who are beyond the restrictions of the worlds and the dictates of the Vedas and who are interested in reading and listening to the greatness of haridasa. 

Shri Sadguru said

The Vaishnava Samhita is dedicated with devotion to Shri Bhagavannama Bodhendra, my guru. Shri Bodhendra Guru is getting satisfied in completing this Vaishnava Samhita using me as the tool. Where am I, the dull-witted and where is this great Vaishnava Samhita? - meaning - I am not endowed with the capabilities of authoring such a great work. I am able to do it only with the boundless mercy and blessings of my sad guru.

Thus ends Chapter Twenty Two entitled 'Guru Geeta' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.

Vaishnava Samhita. Guru Geeta VI Vol III Book X Chp 22 Shlokas 24 - 29

Guru Geeta VI Vol III Book X Chp 22 Shlokas 24 - 29

कीर्तनं त्रिविधं प्रोक्तं नामरूपेणगुणाश्रयम् |

तत्रापि सुलभं नृणां श्रीपतेर्णामकीर्तनम् ||

तस्मादहर्निशं भक्तः कुर्यात्तन्नामकीर्तनम् |

न देशकालनियमः कीर्तनीयः सदा हरिः ||

निसर्गबन्धुं गोविन्दं त्यक्त्वा मर्त्यस्य सर्वथा |

अन्यथा शरणं नास्ति सत्यं सत्यं वद्दम्यहम् ||

माता पिता पतिः पत्नी पुत्रो मित्रञ्च बान्धवः |

शरीरपोषकः सर्वे भगवानात्मपोषकः ||

बन्धुभिः पोषितो देहो मरणायैव कल्पते |

अमृतत्वमवाप्नोति जीवो गोविन्दपोषितः ||

कालक्षेपो न कर्तव्यो विना गोविन्दकीर्तनम् |

अन्तकाले विना कृष्णमभयं कः प्रदास्यति ||

There are three types pf Kirtan - Nama kirtan, Roopa kirtan and Gina kirtan. Among them, Nama kirtan of Lord Shripati is the easiest for people in general. Here a bhakta should do Nama kirtan day and night. There are no restrictions of place, and time. One can do Hari kirtan at all times. There is no refuge other than Lord Govinda to a mortal being. This is an irrefutable truth. Parents, wife, children, and the relatives take care of the body only. But the Lord protects the soul. The body protected by relatives perishes. The should protected by Lord Govinda attains salvation. Do not waste time abstaining from Govinda kirtan. No one will come as our savior at the last moment other than Lord Krishna.

Vaishnava Samhita. Guru Geeta VI Vol III Book X Chp 22 Shlokas 18 - 23

Vaishnava Samhita. Guru Geeta VI Vol III Book X Chp 22 Shlokas 18 - 23

भगवान्नारदो व्यासः प्रह्लादो ध्रुव एव च |

वाल्मीकिरम्बरीषक्ष्च मारुतिक्ष्च विभीषणः ||

गजेन्द्रो गोपकन्याक्ष्च पाञ्चाली पाण्डवास्तथा |

पुण्डलीको बलिर्भीष्मः सनकादय एव च ||

येsनये भागवता लोके विष्णुचित्तदयः कलौ |

ते सर्वे भक्तियोगेन स्वाधीनञ्चकिरे हरिम् ||

कर्मयोगो ज्ञानयोगो भक्तियोग इति स्फुटम् |

योगत्रयं पुराणेषु प्रोक्तं वैकुण्ठसाधनम् ||

तत्र विष्णुं वशीकर्तुं भक्तिरेव गरीयसी |

सङ्कीर्तो भक्तिरत्नेन त्वभक्तं भजति प्रभुः ||

प्रह्लादोक्तप्रकारेण भक्तिस्तु नवलक्षणा |

तत्रापि कीर्तनं मुख्यं कलिकल्मषनाशनम् ||

Bhagavan Narada, Vyasa, Prahlada, Dhruva, Valmiki, Ambarisha, Hanuman, Vibhishana, Gajendra, the Gopis, Panchali, the Pandavas, Pundarika, Mahabali, Bheeshma and the Sanakas and many other bhagavatas like Vishnuchitta who are born in the Kaliyuga got an easy access to Lord Hari only with the help of bhaktiyoga. The Puranas speak about bhaktiyoga, gnanayoga and karma yoga as the paths to reach Shri Vaikuntha. Of the three, Bhakti is the most powerful one in bringing Lord Vishnu into one's fold. The Lord worships His bhakta who buys Jim paying the price of Bhakti. Bhakti is of nine kinds as described by Prahlada. Among all of them, kirtan is the best way to eradicate the malice of Kali.

Vaishnava Samhita. Guru Geeta VI Vol III Book X Chp 22 Shlokas 10 - 17

Guru Geeta VI Vol III Book X Chp 22 Shlokas 10 - 17


शृणुध्वं साधवः सर्वे सर्वशास्त्रार्थसंग्रहम् |

सर्वत्र सर्वदा नित्यं कीर्तनीयो व्रजात्मजः ||

श्रीकृष्णात्परमं दैवं शास्त्रेषु न हि दृश्यते |

आलोड्य सर्वशात्राणि सत्यमेव वदाम्यहम् ||

न योगेन न सांख्येन न च श्रौतेन कर्मणा |

भगवान् भक्तभावज्ञो भक्त्या तुष्यति केवलम् ||

सन्त्यज्य संशयं सर्वं भक्तिमान् दृढनिक्ष्चयः |

कृष्णसङ्कीर्तनं कुर्यात्किं वृथा शास्त्रचर्चया ||

आलोड्य सर्वशात्राणि विचार्य च पुनः पुनः |

इदमेकं सुनिष्पन्नं ध्येयो नारायणः सदा ||

भक्तिरेव परा नृणां हरिसान्निध्यदायिनी |

तस्मात्समाचरेद्भक्तिं किमन्यैः क्षुद्रसाधनैः ||

अर्जुनोद्धवयोरग्रे भगवानिदमब्रवीत् |

अहं भक्त्यैव सुलभो मां भक्त्यैव वर्षाकुरु ||

नैव योगेन तपसा ज्ञानेन न च कर्मणा |

भक्त्यैव लभ्यते कृष्णः परमात्मा सनातनः ||

Shri Sadguru said

You, all sadhus, listen to the essence of all the Shastras. Everywhere and at all times sing the Name and praise of Shri Krishna. There is no God superior to Shri Krishna according to the Shastras. I have learnt this truth after analyzing all the Shastras. Shri Bhagavan who knows the mind of all bhaktas gets pleased only with deep Bhakti. He never gets pleased with the practice of yoga, sankhya or vaidika rituals. A true devotee should cast off all doubts and sing the praise of Shri Krishna alone. What is the use of all unnecessary discussions of Shastras? The firm conclusion I have arrived at after a thorough study of all Shastras is that always one should meditate upon Lord Narayana alone. Only unshakeable devotion is capable of bestowing one with the darshan of Lord Hari. Hence one should cultivate devotion to God. What is the use of meaningless rituals? The Lord Himself has said to Arjuna and Uddhava as follows: "I am easily won over the Bhakti. So come closer to Me and control Me with Bhakti". He is not attained with the help of yoga, tapas, nana or Karma. The eternal Lord Shri Krishna, the Supreme Soul is attainable only by Bhakti.

Vaishnava Samhita. Guru Geeta VI Vol III Book X Chp 22 Shlokas 1 - 9

Vaishnava Samhita. Guru Geeta VI Vol III Book X Chp 22 Shlokas 1 - 9


अहो भाग्यमहो भाग्यमस्माकं देषिकोत्तम |

यद्वयं त्वन्मुखाम्बोजमकरन्दमधुव्रताः ||

पादच्छायामुपाश्रित्य तवैवाचार्यसत्तम |

सुखं जीवाम भुवने पीत्वा कृष्णकथामृतम् ||

माता पिता त्वमेवासि मित्रं बन्धुस्त्वमेव हि |

त्वमेव सद्गुरुक्ष्चासि त्वमेव कुलदैवतम् ||

अव्याजकरुणासिन्धो सर्वसद्गुणसंयुत |

संसारसगरादस्मान् सद्गुरु क्षिप्रमुद्धर ||

सक्षात्कृष्णस्त्वमेवासि गुरुरूपेण दृश्यसे |

जगदुद्धारणाय त्वं चरस्येवं महीतले ||

परित्यज्य स्वयं वेणुं तुम्बवीणां प्रगृह्य च |

कृष्णसङ्कीर्तनं कुर्वंक्ष्चरसि त्वं हरिर्ननु ||

यथा कृष्णेन गोपाला यथा रामेण वानराः |

तथा वयं त्वया सार्धं सञ्चराम महीतले ||

गूढं मनुष्यभावेन तव माहात्म्यमद्भुतम् |

प्रकाशय महाबुद्धे लोकेस्मिन् मङ्गलाय हि ||

सारं संगृह्य शास्त्राणां सद्गुरु करुणानिधे |

अस्माकं श्रोतुकामानामुपदेशं कुरु प्रभो ||

The bhagavatas said

Oh! Guru! What a fortune we have got! We are blessed to be the bees relishing the nectar flowing from your lotus face. Oh! Preceptor! We are blessed to lead a happy life on this earth drinking the nectar of Shri Krishna Bhakti since we have surrendered unto your holy feet. You are our mother; you are our father; you are our friend; you are our relative and you are our sad guru. You are the God of our clan. You are the abode of all good qualities. You are the ocean of inexplicable mercy. Oh! Sadguru! Please rescue us from the ocean of samsara as early as possible. You are Shri Krishna himself who has taken the form of our preceptor. Shri Krishna has descended this earth in your form to uplift this world. Shri Krishna, in your form, has dropped the flute and taken up the tambour. You tread the earth singing the Name of the Lord. Are you not Lord Hari Himself? We also walk along with you like the cowherds who accompanied Shri Krishna and like the monkeys who accompany Shri Rama. Oh! Giant of wisdom! Please unfold your wonderful divinity which has been concealed in your human form for the good of this world. Oh! Abode of mercy! Lord! Sadguru! Please teach us the essence of all Shastras in a nutshell.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 21 Shlokas 31 - 37

Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 21 Shlokas 31 - 37

पुष्यमासे शुक्लपक्षे चतुर्दश्यां तथाहनि |

भक्तकोलाहलस्यापि सन्निधौ करुणानिधेः ||

महोपनिषदञ्चापि द्वयञ्चापि महामनुम् |

पठतां भक्तवर्याणां मध्ये चापि महात्मनाम् ||

ध्यानमीलितनेत्राब्जः प्राणानायम्य च क्रमात् |

नारायणं ह्यदि ध्यायन् प्रशान्तवदनाम्बुजः ||

भीष्माचार्यो यथापूर्वं यथा नाथमुनिस्तथा |

प्राप वै योगमार्गेण तग्विष्णोः परमं पदम् ||

अथ सर्वे वैष्णवाक्ष्च पुण्ये वेनानदीतटे |

ब्रह्ममेधाविधानेन संस्कारञ्चक्रिरे क्रमात् ||

इदं क्षेत्रं महापुण्यामियं पुण्या महानदी |

अत्रैव प्राप वैकुण्ठं महान् गोपालदेशिकः ||

गोपालदेशिकस्यैतन्महाप्रस्थानमुत्तमम् |

यः पठेच्छ्रद्धया तस्य पुनर्जन्म न विद्यते ||

On the Shukla Paksha chaturdashi day in the month of 'Thai' (January - February), he stood in front of the sanctum sanctorum of Bhaktakolahala. He was surrounded by the bhaktas who were chanting the Mahopanishad and the Mahamantra - 'Dhvayam'. In that atmosphere, he closed his eyes and sat in a position of Pranayanam (control of the breath). Ultimately with a serene face, he attained the Parampara of Shri Vishnu, as Rishi Sarada and Bheeshmacharya did earlier. Then the vaishnavas performed his obsequies according to the rules of the Brahmamedha on the banks of river Pennai. This kshetra is very sacred. This holy river is also sacred. The great Gopala Deshika left for Vaikuntha from here only. One who reads the life story of Gopala Deshika with great devotion is never afflicted by the sorrow of rebirth.

Thus ends Chapter Twenty One entitled 'Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 21 Shlokas 27 - 30

Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 21 Shlokas 27 - 30


इत्युक्त्वा देवदेवेशः करुणारसवारिधिः |

स्वप्नोपलब्धार्थ इव सहसान्तरधात्प्रभुः ||

यथा नष्टधनो दीनो नष्टचक्षुर्यथाबान्धकः |

सुस्वरं प्ररुदन् दीनं पुनर्भक्तपुरीमगात् ||

सर्वेभ्यक्ष्चात्र कथयन् शान्तिमवाप च महामुनिः ||

उन्मत्तवत्सदा नृत्यन् प्रलपन् विलुठन् भुवि |

कालक्षेपञ्चकारात्र वैकुण्ठं गन्तुमिच्छया ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Having spoken thus, the Lord, the ocean of compassion, vanished like an object appearing in a dream. Deshika felt so miserable like a poor man who lost the wealth that he just got and like a blind man who revived his vision for a minute and lost it again. Weeping bitterly, he returned to Bhaktapuri. That saint got some peace of mind explaining his experience repeatedly to all the bhaktas. He led a life all the time enlivened only by the desire to reach Shri Vaikuntha. He spent his time in dancing, and singing the Name of the Lord and lamenting and rolling on the ground in ecstasy.

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 21 Shlokas 19 - 26

Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 21 Shlokas 19 - 26

श्रीराजगोपालदेशिक उवाच

अस्यां नाटशालायां नृत्यन्नृत्यंक्ष्च सन्ततम् |

परम् श्रममवाप्याद्य विश्रान्तिमभिरोचये ||

अपि ब्रह्मादिलोकेषु विश्रान्तिर्न हि लभ्यते |

इति निक्ष्चित्य गोविन्द त्वामेव शरणं भजे ||

संसारसागरे मग्नं स्व्यमुद्धृत्या मां प्रभो |

पुनरावृत्तिरहिते वैकुण्ठे स्थापयाच्युत ||

प्रपन्नारक्षणे त्वं तु दीक्षितोसि कृपानिधे |

भवदावानले तप्तं प्रापयाद्यैव ते पदम् ||


इति संप्रार्थितो देवो भगवान् वेङ्कटेक्ष्वरः |

गोपालदेशिकं भक्तं सान्त्वयन् प्राह माधवः ||


तव भक्तिं वर्धयितुं कृपयैव मया प्रिय |

प्रदर्शिता हि वैकुण्ठे ममेयं शाक्ष्वती स्थितिः ||

तव पादाब्जचिह्नेन लाञ्छितं मुनिपुङ्गव |

मम वक्षःस्थलं स्पृष्ट्वा त्वामवेहि च तत्वतः ||

तत्र भक्तपुरीक्षेत्रे निवास त्वं यथासुखम् |

भक्तकोलाहलस्यैव सन्निधौ मोक्षमप्नुहि ||

Shri Rajagopala Deshika prayed

I have been acting on this stage ceaselessly and now I want to have some rest. Oh! Govinda! Knowing that there no peace even in other worlds like Brahmaloka, I have surrendered to You. Oh! Lord, Achyuta! Please lift me up and rescue me from the ocean of samsara and place me in Shri Vaikuntha. Oh! Ocean of compassion! You have taken a vow to protect the refugees. I have been scorched by the blazing fire of samsara. Please take me to Your lotus-feet.

Shri Sadguru said

When Gopala Deshika prayed thus, the Devadeva, Bhagavan Shrinivasa, Shri Venkateshwara consoled him and said thus:

Shri Bhagavan said

My friend! Out of my compassion, I showed you My eternal position in the Vaikuntha in order to help your Bhakti grow manifold. Oh! Saint! Just touch My chest bearing the imprint of your foot, and know the secret about yourself. Continue to stay at Bhaktapuri Kshetra itself happily. You will attain moksha in the serene presence of Bhaktakolahala

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 21 Shlokas 13 - 18

Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 21 Shlokas 13 - 18

तदापि करुणासिन्धुराविरासीच्छ्रियः पतिः |

गोपालदेशिकस्याग्रे शङ्खचङ्क्रगदाधरः ||

अतसीपुष्पसच्छायः सरसीरुहलोचनः |

निष्ककङ्कणकॆयॊरकौस्तुभादिविभूषणः ||

दिव्यपीताम्बरधरो दिव्यमङ्गलविग्रहः |

ज्योतिर्मण्डलमध्यस्थः श्रीमान् श्रीवत्सलान्च्छनः ||

आलिङ्ग्य राजगोपालमेकहस्तेन वक्षसा |

प्रिय क्षणं प्रतीक्षस्व ते ददामि परम् पदम् ||

इत्युक्त्वाप्यन्यहस्तेन दर्शयामास चादरात् |

सुरासुरगणैः सेव्यं स्वकीयं परमं पदम् ||

श्रीपतेरानुकूल्येन किन्चिद्धैर्यमवाप्य सः |

पुनक्ष्च प्रार्थयामास वेङ्कटेशं कृताञ्जलिः ||

Immediately, Lord Venkateshwara, the Lord of Devi Lakshmi, appeared before Gopala Deshika, with the conch and chakra in His hands. He appeared amidst a halo, Sriman Venkateshwara, the ocean of compassion had lotus-eyes and a resplendently bluish complexion resembling the Atasi flower. He was adorned with the koustubha, kankan, kandikai and other ornaments and was clad in a rich pitambara. His chest was marked with the Insignia of Devi Shri. His exquisitely beautiful form was quite enchanting. Shri Venkateshwara embraced Deshika with one hand, and with the other hand showed His lotus-feet worshipped even by the devas. He told Deshika, "My sweet friend! Wait I shall definitely take you to Paramapadam (take you to My lotus-feet)". Encouraged by the kindness of Lord Shrinivasa, he pleaded to Shri Venkateshwara again with folded hands. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 21 Shlokas 9 - 12

Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 21 Shlokas 9 - 12

गोपालदेषिकोप्येवं सञ्चरन् जगतीतले |

विरक्तिं परमां प्राप नानादुःखसमाकुले ||

सद्यो मुक्तिमवाप्तुञ्च महात्मा कृतनिक्ष्चयः |

आर्तिमान् शरणं भेजे वेङ्कटेक्ष्वरमच्युतम् ||

दर्शयामास वैकुण्ठमक्रूरस्य यथा पुरा |

गोपालदेशिकस्यापि योगीन्द्रस्य श्रियः पतिः ||

इतः परम् क्षनार्धञ्च न सहेयमिति स्मरन् |

तमेव वेङ्कटाधीशं मुमुक्षुः शरनङ्गतः ||

Gopala Deshika who wandered on this earth afflicted by so many worries like these, became totally dejected with this world. That great man resolved to get rid of all these, and attain salvation. Hence, he surrendered himself completely unto Lord Achyuta, Shri Venkateshwara. Shri Srinivasa blessed him with with the darshan of Shri Vaikuntha as He did earlier in the case of Akrorra. Deshika arrived at the conclusion that he could not pull on any more like that, and surrendered to Lord Venkateshwara with a loving for attaining moksha. 

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 21 Shlokas 1 - 8

Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 21 Shlokas 1 - 8


नीत्वायं दशमासांक्ष्च जीवो मूत्रपुरीषयोः |

योनिद्वाराद्बहिर्याति तस्माद्दुःखतरं नु किम् ||

त्वङ्मांसरुधिरस्नायुमेदोमज्जास्थिसंयुतम् |

कलेबरं वहत्यत्र ततो दुःखतरं नु किम् ||

वातरोगैः पित्तरोगैः कफरोगैक्ष्च पीडितः |

क्षुत्पिपासाकुलक्ष्चास्ति ततो दुःखतरं नु किम् ||

दुःखानाञ्च सहस्त्राणि सहस्त्राणि तथाssपदाम् |

सर्वदाsनुभवत्यत्र ततो दुःखतरं नु किम् ||

राज्ञा चोरैक्ष्च दुष्टैक्ष्च पत्नीपुत्रादिबन्धिभिः |

पीडितो निवसत्यत्र ततो दुःखतरं नु किम् ||

निन्दितो बन्धुभिक्ष्चापि वार्धक्येनापि दुःखितः |

गृहे वसत्यन्धकोपि ततो दुःखतरं नु किम् ||

लोकेस्मिन् मरणं नूनमनिवार्यं स्वबन्धुभिः |

एवं ज्ञात्वापि रमते ततो दुःखतरं नु किम् ||

एतत्सर्वं विचार्यैव विवेकेनामलाशयाः |

वैकुण्ठं प्राप्तुमिच्छन्ति शाक्ष्वतं तमसः परम् ||

Shri Sadguru said

The Jeevan spends ten months amidst the filth in the womb (as the foetus) and then comes out. What is more distressful than this? He roams about carrying this body composed of skin, flesh, blood and bones. What is more distressful than this ? He is afflicted by hunger and thirst and various diseases like Adam, pita and kappa. What is more distressful than this ? He has to suffer multifarious worries and face many accidents in life. What is more distressful than this? He has to undergo various troubles caused by the government, the thieves, the wicked, his wife, children and other relatives. What is more distressful than this? He lives at home, leading the life of a house-holder blindly, disregarded by his relatives and afflicted by senility. What is more distressful that this? Knowing very well that death cannot be averted by any means and by any one however close he is, he leads, a seemingly happy life. What is more distressful than this? Those who have analyzed all these facts and have consequently attained a clear knowledge induced by wisdom, long to attain the eternal Vaikuntha which is beyond this mortal world.  

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 20 Shlokas 27 - 31

Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 20 Shlokas 27 - 31

शश्रीभक्तकोलाहल उवाच

एवञ्च विस्मयं मा गा भक्तकोलाहलोस्म्यहम् |

भक्तानां भावमादाय दर्शनं प्रददामि हि ||

अहमेव हि रामोस्मि रामभक्तिमतां तथा |

अहमेव हि कृष्नोस्मि कृष्णभक्तिमतामपि ||

भेदभावो न कर्तव्यः साधुभिर्वैष्णवैर्मयि |

प्रेमभावेन मां नित्यं भज त्वं दृढनिष्ठया ||


इत्युक्त्वा तं महात्मानं तोषयामास माधवः |

असीमकरुणासिन्धुः श्रीमान् भक्तकुतूहलः ||

भक्तकोलाहलं देवं नित्यमाराधयन् महान् |

अत्रैव चक्रे वासञ्च भक्तानानन्दयन् स्वकान् ||

Shri Bhaktakolahala said

Do not get surprised like this. I am named Bhaktakolahala. I appear before as they wish to see Me. I am Rama to the Rama bhaktas; I am Krishna to the Krishna bhaktas. The vaishnavas who are great sadhus are not to distinguish between different forms. Hence worship Me daily with real affection and unshakeable faith.

Shri Sadguru continued

Shri Bhaktakolaha Krishna, the ocean of boundless compassion made that exalted personality very happy with His darshan. That noble man lived here itself regularly performing the Pooja of Bhaktakolahala Deva and thereby making his disciples very happy.

Thus ends Chapter Twenty entitled 'Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam V' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal

Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 20 Shlokas 22 - 26

Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 20 Shlokas 22 - 26

तद्भावमनुसृत्यैव भक्तकोलाहलः प्रभुः |

श्रीरामचन्द्ररूपेण प्रददौ निजदर्शनम् ||

ददर्श हस्ते कोदण्डं मुरलीं न ददर्श सः |

ददर्श मकुटं हैमं शिखण्डं न ददर्श च ||

ददर्श पार्क्ष्वे सीताञ्च राधिकां न ददर्श सः |

ददर्श वक्त्रे गाम्भ्रीर्ये वैदग्ध्यं न ददर्श च ||

एवं श्रीरामरूपेण दृष्ट्वा राधामनोहरम् |

परमं संशयं लब्ध्वा ददर्श च पुनः पुनः ||

भक्तकोलाहलोप्येवं दर्शनानन्दविस्मितम् |

प्रेमपूर्वं जगादैनं राजगोपालदेशिकम् ||

In accordance with the Brava of that devotee, Lord Shri Bhaktakolahala appeared as Shri Ramachandra. He saw only the Kodandam (the bow) in His hand and not the flute. He saw only the golden crown on His head and not the peacock feather. He saw only Goddess Sita on His side and not Devi Radha. He saw the majestic look on his face and not the benign look of the rasika Shri Kolahala. Thus finding Lord Radharamana, Shri Krishna as Shri Rama, he looked at Him again and again. Giving His darshan like this, Shri Bhaktakolahala looked at the happy and surprised Rajagopala Deshika and said in a sweet voice, the following.