Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham VI Vol III Book X Chp 24 Shlokas 8 - 14

Katha Sangraham VI Vol III Book X Chp 24 Shlokas 8 - 14

सप्तमे शारदादेवी पातिव्रत्यपरायणा |

बन्धून् सर्वान् परित्यज्य रामकृष्णमुपागता ||

अष्टमेपि नरेद्रस्तु सत्यदर्शनतृष्णया |

रामकृष्णामृतं प्राप्य प्रशान्तहृदयोsभवत् ||

नवमे भारतं देशं पाक्ष्चात्यजनपीडितम् |

महान् मोहनदासस्तु पालयामास सुव्रतः ||

दशमे ब्रह्मचर्येण तपसा यमुनावने |

कैवल्यारामयोगीन्द्रो लेभे श्रीकृष्णदर्शनम् ||

एकादशे वैष्णवस्य यतीनाञ्च शिरोमणेः |

कीर्त्यते चरितं पुण्यमानन्दगिरियोगिनः ||

द्वादशे परमं पुण्यं भक्तश्रोत्रसुखावहम् |

स्वयंप्रकाशयोगीन्द्रचरितञ्चानुवर्ण्यते ||

त्रयोदशे कीर्तितञ्च कृष्णभक्तशिखामणेः |

श्रीमन्नटनगोपालदासस्य चरितं शुभम् ||

In the Seventh Chapter, the chaste and holy Sharada Devi, renouncing all her relationships joined Shri Ramakrishna.  The Eighth Chapter portrays Narendra, who induced by his thirst for knowing the eternal truth, came to Shri Ramakrishna, the nectar that gave him peace. In the Ninth Chapter, the manner in which mother India, enslaved by the Westerners, was rescued by the idealist and great vaishnava Mohandasa, is explained. With the strength of celibacy, self-control and penance, Kaivalyarama, the yogindra had the darshan of Shri Krishna in the Tenth Chapter. Chapter Eleven deals with the holy life of the vaishnava Shri Anandagiri Yogi, the greatest of the yetis. The Twelfth Chapter depicts the highly pious life of Swayamprakash Yogindra that is quite pleasing to the ears of the bhaktas. The pious life history of Natana Gopala Deasa, a great devotee of Lord Shri Krishna, is narrated in the Thirteenth Chapter.