Vaishnava Samhita. Haseena Charitam. Vol II Book VI Chp 11 Shlokas 40 - 42

तत्कन्यायुगलं कृष्णः संभ्रमात्प्रेमतत्परः |
सहर्षं नावमारोप्य तत्रैवान्तरधात्प्रभुः ||
हसीनाञ्च हमीदाञ्च समालिङ्ग्य कृपानिधिः |
लतागृहं प्राविशञ्च दिव्यबृन्दावनस्थितम् ||
हसीनाचरितं पुण्यं यः पठेत्प्रेमतत्परः |
गोपीभावेन संसिद्धः स प्राप्नोति परं पदम् ||    

Lord Shri Krishna who knows the glory of real prem took the two girls into the boat with great ecstasy and vanished. Shri Krishna, the repository of mercy, entered Brindavan embracing the two girls Haseena and Hameeda. One who reads the pious story Haseena with prem as the only aim, will acquire Gopi prem and reach the Goloka (the Eternal seat of Shri Krishna)