Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Surdas Charitam. Vol III Book VII Chp 5 Shlokas 2 - 3

आजन्मनेत्रहीनश्च पितृभ्यां रहितः शिशुः  |

तिरस्कृतो बन्धुभिश्च दीनो भिक्षान्नजीवनः || 

गोविन्दं सुस्वरं गायंश्चचार यमुनावने  |

अकिञ्चनानां दीनानां कृष्णनाम परं धनम् || 

Shri Surdas was an orphan, and a blind man. He was deserted by all his relatives. He wallowed in poverty and lived by alms from people. He was wandering all over Brindavan, singing melodiously in praise of Shri Govinda. Is not the Divine Name of Shri Govinda the only asset of the poor?